One of the big reasons silvia s12s didnt hit it off in the drift scene was because of the lack of a limited slip differential. Nissan unfortunately fitted a 'long nose r200' into the s12 and used short nose r200 with the lsds in the s13 and s14
this basically ment that back in the past it was near impossible to have an LSD.
Nowadays we can fit a KAAZ UNIT or similer that is made for the open diff s13
Now im not of that mindset for my silvia. Im going back to my roots on the s12oc forum and doing the vlsd into s12 conversion.
an r200 diff is an r200 diff, the crown wheel and pinion is what determined this. What we need to do is use the s12 crown wheel and pinion on an s13 or s14 vlsd unit and fit it inside the s12 long nose case. easy nough.
i have to then make up the hybrid driveshafts so that the slip through the casing and into the lsd nicely.
this is done by using a combination of s12 and s13 or s14 driveshaft bits
one complete LHS s12 driveshaft is needed. a second LHS driveshaft is needed for the right hand side, then the inner cv joint and cv to diff flange is needed from the s4 or s13. this is put on the s12 shaft to make the other side.
one of the driveshafts needs 5mm ground off the end so that it matches the same input legth as the s14 driveshaft cv flange.
please see attached diagram
